The prospectuses for IPOs are a good starting point to understand the nature of the company's business, its place in the industry value chain, and the financial position and projections for the company, to gauge its prospects.
Malaysia has seen a record number of new listings in the months of June and July 2021 in what is dubbed by the media as "IPO mania", shifting the trend away from the rubber glove, pharmaceutical and penny stock plays that dominated in 2020.
The investment horizon for VCs are shorter, exiting in 4 to 7 years, while PEs usually require a longer time frame for the investments to mature, cashing out only after 6 to 10 years.
As countries begin their mass inoculation drives, many are seeing hope on the horizon for a rebound of the economy with emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) taking the lead at growth rates of 6% compared to advanced economies’ forecast of 3.9%.